We Did It!!


We sold our final share this week so our membership is now full for the 2020 growing season. There will be some additional offerings during the year so make sure to join our mailing list. We are so thankful to have family, friends and neighbors support our new farm and garden project. The season is now in full swing and we’re working hard to bring you the freshest of fresh quality, organic vegetables this year.

April has been cooler - and wetter - than normal so things are running a little behind schedule, but we still have been able to prepare all of the beds in the upper and lower garden. We’ve been busy starting plants indoors and so far we have transplanted spinach, two varieties of beets, broccoli and lettuce. Peas, carrots and arugula have been direct-seeded. We had a late season frost this week that required us to cover EVERYTHING. The forecast is for warmer - but wetter- weather next week. All we need now is a little sunshine…


YSFG’s New To-Go Containers


Spring has Sprung