The Bee Biz


Most people know that bees are amazing, but our bees - and more importantly, our jars of honey - are extra special. Our bees were raised in the city. they’re street bees with street smarts and quick reactions. But now, they have discovered the benefits of country living and we work hard to give them the pampered life they deserve.

The first thing we wanted to give our bees was ample room to forage. While they have access to all of the native Ohio wild flowers, we also planted a special field of clover cover crop just for them - we heard it’s one of their favorites.

Rough concept from the studio in the barn

Rough concept from the studio in the barn

The final product

The final product

Illustration of honey bee landing
Honey bee illustration posterized

Line art by our friend and collaborator Sandra Kennedy from Toronto.

Once the nectar has been foraged and the honey made, it’s time to harvest. Our honey is raw, meaning it is not heated during extraction, only fine filtered. This process allows the honey to retain its full flavor and all of its enzymatic properties which are naturally anti-microbic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It also ensures our honey’s mineral properties and nutrients remain intact making our honey not only delicious, but extra nutritious. Because harvesting honey can be stressful to bees, we carefully harvest our honey by hand. Our chemical free method involves gently brushing bees off while whispering sweet nothings to keep everyone calm and happy. As we harvest we are careful to leave our hives balanced so there is enough honey for the bees to keep buzzing.

Illustration of landed honey bee

Easy Caprese Salad


“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee. One clover, and a bee, and revery. The revery alone will do, if bees are few.”